Publicaties Anne-Marije de Bruin-Wassinkmaat (tot 2022)
Anne-Marije de Bruin-Wassinkmaat heeft de volgende publicaties op haar naam:
- Anne-Marije de Bruin-Wassinkmaat, Jos de Kock, Elsbeth Visser-Vogel, Cok Bakker & Marcel Barnard (2021), ’It is never good. Really, it’s just never good’: a dominant theme in the life story accounts of strictly Reformed-raised emerging adults about their religious identity development. In: Journal of Beliefs & Values 42;
- Anne-Marije de Bruin-Wassinkmaat, Jos de Kock, Elsbeth Visser-Vogel, Cok Bakker & Marcel Barnard (2021), ‘Influencing Contextual Factors in the Religious Identity Development of Strict-Reformed-Raised Emerging Adults in The Netherlands.’ In: Religious Education, 116 (4), 383-398;
- Anne-Marije de Bruin-Wassinkmaat, Jos de Kock, Elsbeth Visser-Vogel, Cok Bakker & Marcel Barnard (2021), ‘Religious identity commitments of emerging adults raised in strictly Reformed contexts in the Netherlands.’ In: Journal of Beliefs & Values 42 (2), 149-162:
- Anne-Marije de Bruin-Wassinkmaat, Jos de Kock, Elsbeth Visser-Vogel, Cok Bakker & Marcel Barnard (2021), ‘Religious Identity Exploration in the Life Stories of Strictly Reformed-Raised Emerging Adults in the Netherlands’. In: Journal of Youth and Theology 20, 1-23;
- De Bruin-Wassinkmaat, Anne-Marije, Jos de Kock, Elsbeth Visser-Vogel, Cok Bakker, & Marcel Barnard (2019), 'Being Young and Strictly Religious: A Review of the Literature on the Religious Identity Development of Strictly Religious Adolescents', in: An International Journal of Theory and Research 19(1), 62-79.